8 min read

10 Free Mesh Gradients & 10 facts about Mesh gradients

In this blog post, we delve into the captivating world of mesh gradients and present 10 free, stunning options to elevate your design projects.

Mesh Gradients
Written by
Thomas Silva
Published on
June 26, 2023

Gradients have become an essential tool for designers, allowing them to add depth, dimension, and visual interest to their creations. Among the various gradient styles available, mesh gradients have gained popularity for their ability to create captivating and intricate designs. In this blog post, we present to you a collection of 10 free mesh gradients that will undoubtedly enhance your design projects. From vibrant and energetic color combinations to elegant and subtle blends, these gradients offer a versatile range of possibilities. So let's dive into the world of mesh gradients and explore the visual wonders they can bring to your designs.

In my quest to find stunning mesh gradients for this blog post, I stumbled upon an incredible resource called This website has become my go-to destination for creating and exploring mesmerising mesh gradients. With its intuitive interface and powerful tools, allows designers to effortlessly generate and customize gradients with precision. Not only did I discover some of the captivating gradients featured in this post on, but I also had the freedom to experiment and create my own unique color blends. If you're seeking a vast collection of high-quality mesh gradients or looking to unleash your creativity, I highly recommend visiting and unlocking a world of gradient possibilities.

Fact 1

Origins in Computer Graphics: Mesh gradients have their roots in computer graphics and digital imaging. They emerged as a technique to create smooth color transitions in computer-generated imagery during the late 20th century.

Fact 2

Vector Graphics Development: Mesh gradients gained prominence with the rise of vector-based graphics software, which allowed for precise manipulation of shapes and colours. This development enabled designers to create complex and realistic gradients using mesh-based techniques.

Fact 3

Adobe Illustrator: Adobe Illustrator, a widely used vector graphics software, introduced mesh gradients as a feature in its early versions. The incorporation of mesh gradients in Illustrator opened up new possibilities for designers to create intricate and realistic illustrations.

Fact 4

Evolution of Gradient Tools: Over time, graphic design software and applications have improved their gradient tools to include mesh gradients. This evolution has made mesh gradients more accessible and user-friendly for designers of all skill levels.

Fact 5

Artistic Applications: Mesh gradients have found applications in various artistic fields, including digital art, illustration, and graphic design. Artists and designers have utilised mesh gradients to add depth, texture, and realism to their creations.

Fact 6

Mesh Gradients in Web Design: With advancements in web technologies, mesh gradients have become increasingly popular in web design. They offer a way to enhance the visual appeal of websites, create engaging backgrounds, and add visual interest to user interfaces.

Fact 7

Influence on User Interface Design: Mesh gradients have influenced modern user interface (UI) design trends, particularly in the creation of realistic and visually appealing UI elements. They have contributed to the development of skeuomorphic and material design styles.

Fact 8

Integration in Printing and Advertising: Mesh gradients have become a common feature in print media, such as brochures, posters, and advertisements. Their ability to create smooth and realistic color transitions has made them a favoured choice for impactful visual communication.

Fact 9

Growing Popularity in Social Media Design: Social media platforms have embraced mesh gradients as a way to enhance visual content. From Instagram posts to YouTube thumbnails, the use of mesh gradients has become prevalent, allowing users to create eye-catching and attention-grabbing visuals.

Fact 10

Continuous Innovation: The field of mesh gradients continues to evolve with advancements in technology and graphic design software. Ongoing developments aim to improve ease of use, increase flexibility, and expand creative possibilities for designers in the future.